Neck Pains -
Myofascial Pain - Generally an aching pain in muscles that tends to be associated with poor posture, sitting at a computer or other job-related
tasks. Patients can become sore in different parts of the body like the neck and arms, and often patients report they have difficulty sleeping or
feeling restored from sleep.
Spinal Stenosis - A narrowing of the nerve openings either around the spinal cord or nerve roots that can cause symptoms similar to a
pinched nerve.
Tendon, Ligament and Soft Tissue Pain - Localized pain when an area is stretched or its muscles are overused. This results in tenderness.
Spinal Instability - Increased motion between vertebra, usually resulting from an injury. The pain typically feels like tingling in the neck or arms.
Non-Spinal Causes of Neck Pain - Pain imitating a neck injury, but from another cause. Shoulder and elbow injuries and gall bladder disease
are examples of problems that can refer pain to the neck area.
Repetitive Strain Injury - An injury that occurs from a chronically used part of the body, either in a normal or abnormal way. These problems
are often found in people who sit at desks or work at computers.